git squash.
Dans certain projet communautaire, il vous sera demandé de faire un git squash afin de réunir un ensemble de commit en un seul.
Voici la marche à suivre :
Ensuite la console doit vous afficher quelques chose du genre :
$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 01d1124 Adding license
pick 6340aaa Moving license into its own file
pick ebfd367 Jekyll has become self-aware.
pick 30e0ccb Changed the tagline in the binary, too.
# Rebase 60709da..30e0ccb onto 60709da
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
Ici le commit 01d1124 est notre plus vieux commit et le 60709da doit correspondre au commit précédent nos modifications. Si nous voulons réunir les 3 commits suivants le 01d1124 ainsi que lui-même dans un nouveau commit unique il faudra modifier cette affichage comme ceci :
$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 01d1124 Adding license
squash 6340aaa Moving license into its own file
squash ebfd367 Jekyll has become self-aware.
squash 30e0ccb Changed the tagline in the binary, too.
# Rebase 60709da..30e0ccb onto 60709da
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
Une fois ces modifications effectuées vous devez enregistrer votre document et quitter (pour vi :w puis :q ou :wq)
La console va vous afficher la chose suivante :
# This is a combination of 4 commits.
# The first commit's message is:
Adding license
# This is the 2nd commit message:
Moving license into its own file
# This is the 3rd commit message:
Jekyll has become self-aware.
# This is the 4th commit message:
Changed the tagline in the binary, too.
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Explicit paths specified without -i nor -o; assuming --only paths...
# Not currently on any branch.
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: LICENSE
# modified: README.textile
# modified: Rakefile
# modified: bin/jekyll
Vous pouvez par exemple remanier le commentaire comme ceci :
# This is a combination of 4 commits.
# The first commit's message is:
Adding license
Moving license into its own file
Jekyll has become self-aware.
Changed the tagline in the binary, too.
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Explicit paths specified without -i nor -o; assuming --only paths...
# Not currently on any branch.
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: LICENSE
# modified: README.textile
# modified: Rakefile
# modified: bin/jekyll
Voila notre squash est prêt à être utilisé !
Il ne manque plus qu'a le push sur notre branch:
git push --force origin fix-test
Le force est obligatoire ;)
Merci à Laurent Baey pour son aide.